Saturday, December 20, 2014

When a husband and wife go their separate ways

              I’ve known a lovely couple for many years. Both of them have a long history of getting similar rocky results on their annual blood tests. I am treating the wife with acupuncture and recently added some specific nutrients to help her reach her health goals.

              When she came to me today she was all smiles. In the past she has always had issues with her cholesterol and triglycerides being too high and certain nutrients being too low. Today her test results were 95% in the healthy range. No wonder she was happy!

              Her husband had similar issues in the past with his cholesterol and triglycerides but now finds that he has recently added unstable blood sugar, markers for being pre-diabetic, as well as new inflammatory markers to his unhealthy profile. For the first time ever, this year’s blood tests were no longer a match with his wife’s. He’s seems to be getting worse while she is getting better.

              What made this dramatic difference? The answer seems to be in the fact that she had opted to follow my recommendations and take some general multi-vitamins and minerals, as well as some specially activated B vitamins, calcium, antioxidants and a joint support formula. He has been skeptical but can now see on paper the error of his ways.  

              As of today they have both decided to upgrade to a Custom Blend of nutrients specifically suited to their individual health needs. The goal of course it to have both of them experience matching healthy results the next time they go in for their blood work. Love comes in many forms and being healthy for each other is a gift they can certainly give each other this year.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great example of taking control of one's own health. It's a good thing that the husband is following the wife's lead before it's too late. What a lovely story!
